Nural's Update: April 2022

Hello everybody! This is the update series of the blog in April 2022. Check out these updates, pixel art daily drawing challenge, news, and many more. If you see the previous month, click here.

General News

It's April and it's the last time in the school! Nural finally enters the final exam on April 4 - 13, 2022 and then continues the journey of the school through June 2022, but I finished all assignments since 2010 unless they are important. The remainder of the pixel art DDC's latest version continues to be killed by the recreated DDC but has yet to decrease. In this month, Nural has finally returned to listen to the song that was released in late April 2015, however, on April 15, a copy version of this song enters to the Southeast Asian country's music chart and Katy Puma finally discovered the song on April 18, resulting in preventing the user from listening to this song. Later that day, I will no longer listen to this song starting from May 1 due to this.

Angely Protect

On April 4, it was announced by the CEO Pedro D. Commandberg that Angely Protect will start to process the further protection to help people to keep secure. The protection could be expected to complete in early 2023.

On April 16, Nural announced that she will partially no longer see game-related images if daily streams on YouTube are below 50 videos starting July 1, in order to further protection of Angely Protect. It is very likely similar to pandemic new cases in which new cases are increased drastically.

On April 23, Nural announced that she will always search in the Google Search with the phrase 'littlest toys 2022', a regionally slang that Madison Garnetty says the joke about a small toy, on her tablet on Google Chrome if daily streams on YouTube are below 50 videos starting May 1, in order to further protection of Angely Protect.

On April 25, it was announced that listening to Tuo Tuo song, watching the video/ringtone on YouTube, and the funny video series will be banned until the end of the month if Pixel Art releases daily drawing challenges as the latest version for more than ten times starting July 1, in order to further protection of Angely Protect. Occasionally, they will be played from date 1 to 10 of each month.

On April 26, CEO of Angely Pedro D. Commandberg announced that 'gray mode' will become limited starting July 1, in order to further protection of Angely Protect.

On April 27, Nural announced that she will immediately create a picture of 'day-to-day' on Instagram story before checking the daily streams on YouTube starting May 1, in order to further protection of Angely Protect.

In the Music

On April 13, Katy Puma Rodriguez is seeing at Angely Timeline Statistics website that many people are still listening to the song that was released in late April 2015 immediately without checking the number of daily streams of its music video on YouTube, meaning that all users are afraid due to being no longer reaching over 600,000 daily streams. Following the day, Rodriguez announced that from July 1, she warns people to check the number of daily streams of its music video before listening to it.

On April 18, a copy of the song that was released in late April 2015 was discovered by Katy Puma Rodriguez, which entered the Southeast Asian country music chart for the first time on April 15. As a result, the original version will possibly no longer be listened to. Later that day, Nural decided that she would no longer be listening to this song starting May 1, followed by Indonesian users, which happened on the same date.

In the Entertainment

All Stars Journey

On April 7, the CEO Jane Dixon announced that ASJ Cards will no longer be used in the future All Stars Journey event. Users who have ASJ Cards are allowed to migrate or transfer to the app My Angely before July 2022.

On April 28, Dixon stated that the special event would be returned in the future after the remake event Getting Started: Definitive Edition finished last month.


On April 19, Nural's Colorful Art logged out from her father's phone after posting a photo of Nural and her homeroom teacher on Instagram, which was posted by her father but it was later deleted by Nural. However, on April 24, the account was logged in again using a new phone, leading her to continue the controversy such as commenting on their post without using English language.


On April 16, Nural Teh Object Thingy uploaded the high definition version of Video Everything Collection (Season 2) Extended Version but the copyright of this video was claimed due to containing a song with lyrics. Nural's latest video, Asleep Video Everything Season 1 Episode 3, uploaded on April 18, contains a description about the claimed copyright of VECEV 2. As a result, the video effect version of Video Everything Collection 2 and its Extended Version have been eventually canceled.

In the Pixel Art Daily Drawing Challenge

On April 1, during the April Fools' joke, when the users visited the homepage, a message appeared at bottom right that said "New! Selected users can now test Video Profile Pictures with sound!", along with the emoji '🙋‍♂' at left. When you click 'Update Profile', it is unable to change their profile and instead the users see a pixel artwork that reference to the joke. The later day, the joke was removed.

On April 2, the St. Patrick's Day-themed DDC Pot of Gold has now surpassed 100 likes, making it the third pixel art post to reach a milestone since it was posted and the first recreated pixel art post to reach a milestone.

On April 14, the recreated version of Fish Tank now overtakes the recreated version of Pot of Gold to become the second most-viewed pixel art post in 2022, behind only Pancakes. The next day, it has also now surpassed 100 likes, making it the fourth pixel art post to reach a milestone as well as the second recreated pixel art post to reach a milestone.

On April 15, with the exception of the chart version, the latest, recreated, and final recreated versions are now tied, with five each.

On April 20, although Nural's Blog did not create a Pixel Art account, Pixel Art on Twitter found a post of the recreated version of the pixel art daily drawing challenge Crab and liked its post.

On April 29, the non-DDC artwork Nural with Madison G. dethrones the recreated DDC Pot of Gold to become the third most-viewed pixel art post in 2022.

Nine of thirty daily drawing challenges in this month are based on national holidays. There are including:

  1. Eiffel Tower (latest version) with Eiffel Tower Day, which happens on March 31, 2022
  2. Party Hat (recreated version) with World Party Day, which happens on April 3, 2022
  3. Treasure Map (recreated version) with Read a Road Map Day, which happens on April 5, 2022
  4. Sky (final recreated version) with National Look Up at the Sky Day, which happens on April 14, 2022
  5. Bunny (chart version) with Easter, which happens on April 17, 2022
  6. Earth Day (final recreated version) with Earth Day, which happens on April 22, 2022
  7. Old Telephone (latest version) with National Telephone Day, which happens on April 25, 2022
  8. Cape (final recreated version) with National Superhero Day, which happens on April 28, 2022
  9. Arbor (latest version) with National Arbor Day, which happens on April 29, 2022

We have 12 latest versions, nine recreated versions, seven final recreated versions, and two chart versions this month. There are including:
Latest: Eiffel Tower, Jack-In-The-Box Toy, Pop-Up Book, Off-Road, Astronaut, Piggy Bank, Claw, CD, Notification, Yarn, Old Telephone, and Arbor
Recreated: Party Hat, Treasure Map, Traffic Cone, Safe, Crab, Bird, Eraser, Graph, and Baseball
Final Recreated: Pineapple, Boat, Gaming Controller, Cactus, Sky, Earth Day, and Cape
Chart: Colored Egg and Bunny


Latest Recreated Final Recreated Chart
Eiffel Tower Party Hat Pineapple Colored Egg
Jack-In-The-Box Toy Treasure Map Boat Bunny
Pop-Up Book Traffic Cone Gaming Controller
Off-Road SafeCactus
Astronaut Crab Sky
Piggy Bank Bird Earth Day
Claw Eraser Cape
CD Graph

Notification Baseball


Old Telephone


Until next time in May 2022, See ya!
