This article is about the Pixel Art Daily Drawing Challenge pictures held during November 2020.
Pixel Art Daily Drawing Challenge is a feature of Pixel Art which is a challenge that will be updated everyday.
Jack-o'-lantern was the first daily drawing challenge of this month, which was released on November 1, 2020, 8:44 AM, while the final recreated version of Turtle (originally released on March 3, 2019) was the last daily drawing challenge of this month, which was released on November 30, 2020, 7:18 AM.
After drawing the challenge Jack-o'-lantern at morning and my laptop's keypad being problem on November 1, 2020 at afternoon, Nural will instead draw the daily drawing challenge using the tablet as a temporary, with Cheesecake and the final recreated version of Window, both of which are created by Nural on November 2 and 3, 2020 respectively. For a while, the trivia of the daily drawing challenge will be postponed until my laptop has been fixed on November 3 in the evening, so Nural will keep working on the Pixel Art drawing challenge. In addition, despite being a recreated version, the apostrophe of this title was removed.
An additional description of Armor is "However, both Armour and Armor's description has a same with this challenge.", meaning that the meaning description has the same meaning.
Erase and Eraser's meaning description are the same despite the daily drawing challenge having both.
Soda Can has a meaning description, but it's the only normal description despite the daily drawing challenge not found in the dictionary. The description was "A can for holding soft drinks, especially like a cola and typically 330 ml."
Starting from the recreated version of Sunglasses, after demonstration of the characters' full body, all daily drawing challenges featuring the characters (including animals and pets) are now showing a full body, unless when used in an animated GIF version.
Pilgrim Hat has a meaning description, but it is the only normal description as the daily drawing challenge hasn't been found in the dictionary. It is instead used from the wiki's description and it's said "A pilgrim's hat, cockel hat or traveller's hat is a wide brim hat used to keep off the sun."
On June 21, 2021, Colosseum's meaning description added 'Colosseum is' beside the description, it was fixed and seen in the below (no. 535). Additionally, Phone's meaning description originally was "A telephone who people had calling using a phone.", but it was changed.
On June 22, 2021, Giraffe's alternative description's typo was wrong and it was fixed to 'an exploring' instead of 'a exploring.' It is also along with Acorn's question's typo, which is also wrong.
A ??? AM was an unknown time however the only date is released when the drawing challenge was published by Nural at morning or afternoon due to my laptop's keypad have a problem or the late drawing.
Jack-o'-lantern (#530) - November 1, 2020
A lantern made from a hollowed-out pumpkin in which holes are cut to represent facial features, typically made at Halloween.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: Happy Halloween!
Question: This challenge doesn't have a question.
New: 1st Version - November 1, 2020, 8:44 AM
Recreated: 2nd Version - October 29, 2021, 7:53 AM
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Cheesecake (#531) - November 2, 2020
A kind of rich dessert cake made with cream and soft cheese on a graham cracker, cookie, or pastry crust, typically topped with a fruit sauce.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: This challenge doesn't have an alternative description.
Question: Do you like a cheesecake?
New: ??? - November 2, 2020, ??? AM
Recreated: This challenge didn't have a recreated version, maybe it will be have a repeating this challenge soon.
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Armor (#532) - November 4, 2020
The metal coverings formerly worn by soldiers or warriors to protect the body in battle.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: A woman armor is did a something. She will be also find the armor friends.
Question: This challenge doesn't have a question.
New: ??? - November 4, 2020, 7:44 AM
Recreated: This challenge didn't have a recreated version, maybe it will be have a repeating this challenge soon.
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Eraser (#533) - November 6, 2020
An object, typically a piece of soft rubber or plastic, used to rub out something written.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: This challenge doesn't have an alternative description.
Question: This challenge has same with Erase.
New: 1st Version - November 6, 2020, 7:34 AM
Recreated: 2nd Version - April 22, 2022, 6:38 AM
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Wrench (#534) - November 7, 2020
A sudden violent twist or pull.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: This challenge doesn't have an alternative description.
Question: Do you have a wrench?
New: 1st Version - November 7, 2020, 7:16 AM
Recreated: 2nd Version - September 7, 2021, 7:25 AM
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Colosseum (#535) - November 9, 2020
A large theater or stadium.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: This challenge doesn't have an alternative description.
Question: Have you ever visited a colosseum?
New: ??? - November 9, 2020, 7:46 AM
Recreated: This challenge didn't have a recreated version, maybe it will be have a repeating this challenge soon.
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Phone (#536) - November 11, 2020
A telephone.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: This challenge doesn't have an alternative description.
Question: Do you have a phone?
New: ??? - November 11, 2020, 7:13 AM
Recreated: This challenge didn't have a recreated version, maybe it will be have a repeating this challenge soon.
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Tire (#537) - November 15, 2020
A rubber covering, typically inflated or surrounding an inflated inner tube, placed around a wheel to from a flexible contact with the road.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: This challenge doesn't have an alternative description.
Question: This challenge doesn't have a question.
New: 1st Version - November 15, 2020, 8:25 AM
Recreated: 2nd Version - November 19, 2021, 7:30 AM
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Perspective (#538) - November 16, 2020
The art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: This challenge doesn't have an alternative description.
Question: This challenge doesn't have a question.
New: ??? - November 16, 2020, 7:03 AM
Recreated: This challenge didn't have a recreated version, maybe it will be have a repeating this challenge soon.
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Desktop (#539) - November 17, 2020
A computer suitable for use at an ordinary desk.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: This challenge doesn't have an alternative description.
Question: Do you have a desktop?
New: ??? - November 17, 2020, 7:31 AM
Recreated: This challenge didn't have a recreated version, maybe it will be have a repeating this challenge soon.
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Soda Can (#540) - November 18, 2020
This challenge didn't have a description of meaning.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: A soft drinks called Red Coke, which is a drink can be drinking.
Question: Do you like a soda can?
New: Coke Soda Can - November 18, 2020, 7:34 AM
Recreated: Super Coke Soda Can - May 17, 2022, 9:33 AM
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Giraffe (#541) - November 19, 2020
A large African mammal with a very long neck and forelegs, having a coat patterned with brown patches separated by lighter lines. It is the tallest living animal.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: A girl giraffe is Gina Jesse, she is like a exploring at the town. (original)
Question: Have you ever seeing a giraffe at the zoo?
New: ??? - November 19, 2020, 7:45 AM
Recreated: This challenge didn't have a recreated version, maybe it will be have a repeating this challenge soon.
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Leaves (#542) - November 20, 2020

A flattened structure of a higher plant, typically green and blade-like, that is attached to a stem directly or via a stalk. Leaves are the main organs of photosynthesis and transportation.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: A plant leaf was planted at earlier, however, it will be growing if this daily drawing challenge has a recreated version.
Question: This challenge doesn't have a question.
New: 1st Version - November 20, 2020, 7:34 AM
Recreated: 2nd Version - September 23, 2022, ???
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Wagon (#543) - November 24, 2020
A vehicle used for transporting goods or another specified purpose.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: This challenge doesn't have an alternative description.
Question: Do you have a wagon?
New: ??? - November 24, 2020, 7:18 AM
Recreated: This challenge didn't have a recreated version, maybe it will be have a repeating this challenge soon.
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Pilgrim Hat (#544) - November 25, 2020
This challenge didn't have a description of meaning.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: Pilgrim hat is also can be used during the Thanksgiving event.
Question: Do you have a pilgrim hat?
New: ??? - November 25, 2020, 7:16 AM
Recreated: This challenge didn't have a recreated version, maybe it will be have a repeating this challenge soon.
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Bookshelf (#545) - November 26, 2020
A shelf on which books can be stored.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: This challenge doesn't have an alternative description.
Question: Do you have a bookshelf?
New: ??? - November 26, 2020, 7:34 AM
Recreated: This challenge didn't have a recreated version, maybe it will be have a repeating this challenge soon.
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Acorn (#546) - November 28, 2020
The fruit of the oak tree, a smooth oval nut in a rough cup-shaped base.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: This challenge doesn't have an alternative description.
Question: Do you have a acorn? (original)
New: 1st Version - November 28, 2020, 7:18 AM
Recreated: 2nd Version - November 5, 2021, 7:48 AM
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Lantern (#547) - November 29, 2020
A lamp with a transparent case protecting the flame or electric bulb, and typically having a handle by which it can be carried or hung.
Alternative title: This challenge doesn't have an alternative title.
Alternative description: This challenge doesn't have an alternative description.
Question: Do you have a lantern?
New: 1st Version - November 29, 2020, 7:45 AM
Recreated: 2nd Version - October 19, 2021, 6:22 AM
Final Recreated: The recreated version has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the final recreated.
Chart: The recreated and final recreated versions has been unfinished, finish this challenge and get the chart.
Trivia of Daily Drawing Challenge
- Jack-o'-lantern: The pumpkin have a face, including a eyes, nose, and mouth. This pumpkin considered as a carved pumpkin or Jack-o'-lantern.
- Cheesecake: Cheesecake is a cake with a cheese-filled and strawberry topping. If you eat the cheesecake, the flavor is a sweet.
- Armor: During the war, many peoples are wearing a armor outfits. However, the outfit can be using including helmet, clothes, and boots.
- Eraser: If you writing is wrong (such as writing a book, drawing, etc.), use eraser to fix the wrong and correct of the write.
- Wrench: If you using wrench, it will be used to provide grip and mechanical advantage in applying torque to turn objects. The wrench is also known as a spanner.
- Colosseum: Colosseum is an oval amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy. This building is a larger of theater and stadium.
- Phone: When the phone is ringing, people had been answer the phone for asking something. The phone is introduced in late 19th century or early 20th century.
- Tire: Tire can be used by several transportation, such as car, pickup, truck, and bus. If don't have a tire, the vehicle cannot to be ride.
- Perspective: The art of drawing solid object on a 2D drawings, using line (such as buildings, cities, etc.). The perspective drawing is a 3D-like picture when converted as a 2D.
- Desktop: Desktop was a similar to computer, however, desktop is the also like a wallpaper and browser.
- Soda Can: The soda can is a similar to soft drink, but it can drinking if you used. The soda can have a various types, including alcoholic drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, teas, herbal tea, etc.
- Giraffe: While giraffe is child, the neck has short. While giraffe is adult, the neck has long. Giraffe is an animal to have a tallest of the neck.
- Leaves: Leaves are appeared at the tree, root, stem, fruit, and flowers. Leaves can be fall from the tree into the ground during autumn and reappears during spring and summer. Leaves can't appeared during winter, instead the leaves' color had been white.
- Wagon: Wagon can be used when the objects, items, box, etc. have been putted into wagon. Wagon is also similar to mini pickup.
- Pilgrim Hat: During of Thanksgiving event, the hat can be used when the parade is starting at the cities, routes, and many more.
- Bookshelf: Many books (such as stories, subjects, magazine, etc.) have been put on the bookshelf. If the bookshelf is full, you can find the more location of the bookshelf.
- Acorn: Acorn is a fruit of the oak tree that it can be eating, but the flavor is taste nutty and sweet.
- Lantern: Lantern is a lamp that is not a bulb, instead, the lamp is likely a flame. However, it can be held by the hand when the electricity is off.
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