Nural's Update: June 2021

Hello everybody! This is the update series of the blog in June 2021. Check out of this updates, pixel art daily drawing challenge, news, and many more. If you seeing of previous month, click here.

General News

The time is Summer! Nural will be going to be summer season. Additionally, Angely's Summer Spirit 2021 is now live until August 31, which the user are allowed to listen to the song anytime they want, but the pandemic is still ongoing and how the songs were affected or not. In June 5, this is the last day of year-end exercise, all assignments were completed and Nural will return to continue the experience for working, such as music charts, uploading the video on YouTube, and creating, editing, updating the daily drawing challenge in this blog, and many more. Unfortunately, Madison G. is still interrupting everything and all persons (including Nural) being struggled.

Announcement on June 30 and beyond

Nural has entered the following the rules with the most apps, photos, videos, and more were deleted and removed or moved to the other locations after the date.

  1. 27 highlights in the Instagram Story that had been created by Nural were removed. Some of old IG Story's highlights can be created again as a replacement of the original.
  2. Nural's tablet have the game, with only one, which it was installed on August 13, 2015, has been removed on June 30, 9:15 PM.
  3. Most archived and discontinued games in the Fun Games between 2020 and 2021 were erased forever.
  4. All Pixel Art daily drawing challenges (including non-daily challenge, stickers, etc.) that appeared in Birdy Romsibro's Google Drive were moved to Nural Pixel Art's Google Drive. However, most of Nural's Pixel Art images are still exist, but the release dates are changed.
  5. Most photos and videos between 2016 and 2017 in Birdy Romsibro's Google Drive are separately into the several Nural's archived account.
  6. Most Annoyer Goosy episodes (including combined with the song and bloopers) in which was originally created between 2017 and 2018 were uploaded to Google Drive instead of YouTube due to the second episode of the series by Rita Raydy The Object Thingy have a claimed of copyright and the series will be created the archive account.
  7. Rita Raydy's Annoyer Goosy episodes 1 and 2's visibility are now private due to the copyright issue.
  8. Most photos and videos since 2016 in Nural's laptop that appeared on Google Drive are separately and moved into Nural's archived accounts: Nural's Laptop Archive (Photos), Nural's Laptop Archive (YTP), Nural's Laptop Archive (Logo), Nural's Laptop Archive (Game), Nural's Laptop Archive (Nuronpedia), Nural's Laptop Archive (Music), and Nural's Laptop Archive (Audio).
  9. Birdy's 2nd Google account and Blu's Google account on Nural's tablet were logged out and removed on June 30, 9:25 PM and 9:45 PM respectively; however, they will continue on Nural's laptop.
  10. The recreated, final recreated, and chart versions' descriptions (including typos) of the daily drawing challenge have completely changed starting from July 1 with Hourglass.
  11. The chart data of daily drawing challenge's font has change to Nural's font starting from July 1.
Nural's 4th account in Instagram originally unfollowed by Nural and her friends in June 30, but it was changed to June 15 due to interrupted by the people who have logged in at several hours. An italic of the text that Nural's Laptop Archive account has been created.

In the Music

Lena Sora will open for the special summer called Angely's Summer Spirit 2021 starting from June 1 to August 31, 2021. All songs released this year and a past can be listened/streamed by the user anytime they want. It will required for the country's new recoveries must be surpassed the new cases and the user must be ask to the Angely staff. It is also regardless of the both recreated and final recreated versions of daily drawing challenge.

In the Entertainment

Google Account

In June 20, 2021, prior to beginning the events on June 30, Nural will began to create the three accounts as an archive with Nural's Laptop Archive, starting from photos, YTP, and logo. However, these accounts were using a phone number, but if the phone number was used over times, Nural will be trying on tomorrow. In June 23, Nural will instead to create the account as an archive using a new phone with only game.


In June 5, 2021, Nural's password was changed due to the log in have detected in other regions, just like her 4th account, which is also the Nural's account that cannot upload the photos and videos anymore. In June 13, 2021, her password and Yahoo! account has changed again, along with nonono3680 which is also changed her email address. Nural has been unfollowed nonono3680 on June 15. In June 23, Nural helps to her friends and parents to stop listening to the song or radio in response to rising number of new cases as a record. During this time, Nural will posting both story and post everyday after she opens the new cases until the country's new cases have dropped.

In the Pixel Art Daily Drawing Challenge

Finally, Nural simultaneously created the both pixel art and photos albums on June 18, 2021, 5 months after Madison G. was disappeared in the album, with Chart and Pixel Art Recaps, respectively. However, Tummy Garnetty, the Madison G.'s Tummies cute character, appeared in the album Characters, but Madison can no longer appeared again. The original description of the album Chart was: "This is the album of the chart version of drawing challenge. I put the chart data to this album. After creating this chart, I will no longer for drawing this challenge permanently.", however, it was changed.

In June 20, Nural will resume to creating, editing, or updating the daily drawing challenge in this blog since April 16 after she have a busy working, unless the daily drawing challenge reappears as a recreated, final recreated, or chart versions.

We have 18 new versions, nine recreated versions, two final recreated versions, and one chart version of this month. There are including:
New: Clip, Piano, Puzzle, Hand Fan, Coral, Pulley, Envelope, Shipwreck, Lunch Bag, Arch, Printer, Solar, Memory Card, Spiral, Air Vent, Bench, Health Bar, and Paw
Recreated: Raining, Palm Tree, Lava, Shrimp, Pattern, Radio, Key, Drums, and Arrow
Final Recreated: Canyon and Reflection
Chart: Bike


New Recreated Final Recreated Chart
Clip Raining Canyon Bike
Piano Palm Tree Reflection
Puzzle Lava

Hand Fan Shrimp

Coral Pattern

Pulley Radio

Envelope Key

Shipwreck Drums

Lunch Bag Arrow




Memory Card


Air Vent


Health Bar


Until next time in July 2021, See ya!


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