Nural's Update: October 2022

Hello everybody! This is the update series of the blog in October 2022. Check out these updates, pixel art daily drawing challenge, news, and many more. If you see the previous month, click here.

General News

It's time to Halloween! Alright, Pixel Art is focusing on its daily drawing challenges with an Halloween-themed, and sadly, Katy Puma Rodriguez leaves the Parters region due to the disappointment of Angely Music. Now, I'm back to the imageboard website ImageboardStudios to focus on negative conditions.

In the Music

On October 10, Nural's resignation of Tuo Tuo fans as a standalone is mystery, secret, or fake, as it was revealed and claimed by Music of Governors of Parters.

In the Entertainment



On October 14, Nural's Colorful Art said that she is now using music on Instagram Story, particularly lo-fi songs and instrument songs, though she remains banned from using official music.


On October 20, Nural's Colorful Art announced on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr that her TikTok account has been created. Her username is the same with the Instagram version, while her profile picture is used to match the DeviantArt and Instagram version.



In the Pixel Art Daily Drawing Challenge

Zero of thirty one daily drawing challenges in this month are based on national holidays. There are including:


The Halloween-themed daily drawing challenge in 2022 has begun. It starts from October 2 to November 1. These DDCs of the special holiday may either be the latest, recreated, final recreated, or chart version, and some daily drawing challenges will reappear for the fifth time onwards. Madison G. will appear and wear a Halloween costume as the recreated or final recreated version of the Halloween-themed daily drawing challenge after Nural Fisher/Nural ATL/OCs/other characters. Due to this, the remainder of the DDC's latest version will possibly be dropped, along with delaying updating the DDC in this blog due to daily drawing challenges appearing as the recreated, final recreated, or chart version. Many Halloween-themed daily drawing challenges in 2022 including:

So far, we have seven latest versions, five recreated versions, six final recreated versions, and six chart versions this month. They include:
Latest: Graveyard, Fangs, Spooky Eyeball, Haunted Tree, Well, Cloudy Night, and Halloween Door
Recreated: Badge, Skeleton, Crystal Ball, Warewolf, and Frankenstein
Final Recreated: Scarecrow, Wich, Portal, Mummy, Gate, and Vampire
Chart: Bat, Spider, Zombie, Crow, Haunted House, and Candy Corn


Latest Recreated Final Recreated Chart
Graveyard Badge Scarecrow Bat
Fangs Skeleton Wich Spider
Spooky EyeballCrystal Ball Portal Zombie
Haunted Tree WarewolfMummy Crow
Well Frankenstein Gate Haunted House
Cloudy Night
Vampire Candy Corn
Halloween Door

Until next time in November 2022, See ya!


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